Friday, May 31, 2013

McCain's War

Is it possible that a decade from now actor Ed Harris may be called upon again to portray John McCain in another movie called McCain’s War? Many may remember the movie “Wilson’s War” about Texas Democrat congressman Charlie Wilson who maneuvered to get the United States Congress to fund the mujahedeen rebellion against the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan during the 1980's.
With hundreds of millions of dollars and stinger missiles from the United States allocated to this effort the Soviets were eventually ousted. Some argue however that this created a vacuum in Afghanistan, which was filled by the Taliban and religious extremists including Osama Bin Laden who eventually turned their sights on the United States culminating in the attacks of September 11th 2001.

Unfortunately in regions such as this the axiom attributed to Lord Palmerston “no permanent enemies and no permanent allies” should be adhered to as history continuously shows this to be true. Many forget that both Iraq and Iran were allies of the United States.  

With the full knowledge of the State Department Senator McCain has traveled to meet with Syrian rebels. The problem is that it is difficult to ascertain which rebel faction to trust. It should be  clear that Syrian rebels do not see America  as liberators but simply as a supplier of lethal weaponrys. This nation ravaged by sectarianism will not in the aftermath of President Bashar al-Assad leaving  miraculously become a staunch ally of the United States.  

It is hard to understand what Senator McCain is up to. His consistent bellicose comments about nations such as Iran leads one to suspect that at heart he is a hawk who believes that the United States should be in perpetual war. On the other hand as his political career is clearly coming to a close he seems to be threatened by the likes of Joe McCarthy wannabe Senator Ted Cruz and potential presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul. Some may even suggest he is still bitter about his loss to Barack Obama in 2008.

It should not be overlooked that Senator McCain’s judgment when it comes to various issues is at best faulty. This is evidenced by his lack of judgment in the savings and loan scandal of the 1980’s, his enthusiastic support for the Iraq war to his attempts to support Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi. This is not to even mention his ill-advised attempt to suspend his 2008 presidential campaign in response to the financial crisis and the selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate.

There is no doubt that humanitarian assistance is needed in Syria particularity as refugees flood other parts of the region such Jordan thereby creating their stability.  From this perspective the United States should do all it can to provide humanitarian assistance to prevent further destabilization of the region.  After over a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, military involvement should not be viewed as an inevitable next step. War is easy to get into but very difficult to get out of.

Despite hawkish calls from those who relish the idea of America displaying its military prowess, the Obama administration has acted with the wisdom lacked by the previous administration. Secondly, the nation is opposed to American involvement in Syria beyond humanitarian aid.

While the Senator claims America can determine how to differentiate which rebels to support history including Iraq suggest otherwise.     

It may indeed come to a point where the United States may enter into this potential debacle but for now diplomacy must be the strategy of choice. For over a decade America has given treasure in blood and money for wars of choice. 
Whatever the motivation behind Senator McCain’s decision to travel to Syria, America should not be forced by politics to enter into a situation in which there is no obvious exit strategy. Americans are not willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters for a war for which there is no obvious exit strategy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Republican Memories

As the GOP attempts to appeal to minority voters especially Black and Latino voters their initial attempt is reminiscent of the Barbara Streisand/Gladys Knight song "Memories" As GOP Chairman Reince Priebus attended the Christian Cultural Center pastored by A.R. Bernard in Brooklyn New York and Republican Senator Rand Paul went to the historically black college Howard University it was clear that the strategy was to remind black voters of republican history. Both attempted to create warm and fuzzy memories by reminding the audience that it was black republicans who started the NAACP coupled with the litany about President Abraham Lincoln. Historically all of this is true. During the 19th century and early 20th century a large segment of the black community especially in the south were republican. This should not come as a surprise given the republicans anti-slavery stance. No one disputes that reality. It is also true that a higher percentage of republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights act than democrats. In fact, while most democrats voted for it the majority of southern democrats voted against it.  
Nevertheless, as this halfhearted attempt at minority outreach continues the song that comes to mind and that republicans do not want to hear is Janet Jackson’s "What have you done for me lately."The problem is that Republicans, championed by people such as Barry Goldwater and Strom Thurmond a onetime Dixiecrat who became a republican, had done a 180 as it pertained to civil rights and equality. When it came to the civil rights bill of 1964 President Lyndon Johnson  stated that "We just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come"  Because of politics and the subsequent southern strategy, republicans become the anti-black party. Of the strategy Nixon strategist Kevin Philips  said the following “From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats”.The GOP probably wants to recall a song by  James Brown called “Return to Me” as they understand that with the changing demographics they cannot win a national election without increasing minority support for their party. .As the GOP claims they want blacks to return to the party they must remember that blacks did not  leave the GOP. As Ronald Reagan said about his decision to join the GOP. I didn't leave the Democratic Party," "The party left me."
While a serious debate of ideas from diverse perspectives is important for democracy, Republicans cannot seriously expect a party with anti black sentiments to be a serious option for the Black community.  Blacks still do not understand how the GOP voted out their first black chairman Michael Steele after a very successful 2010 but gave Reince Preibus a second term despite a dismal 2012. Blacks will remember the birther campaign and the race baiting by Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, John Sununu, Fox News and Ann Coulter just to name a few. The memory is still raw about voter suppression across the nation. Blacks will not seek to be with a party that is afraid to confront race baiting radio and television hosts.  Perhaps Reince Priebus and the GOP should heed the example of the late former governor of Alabama George Wallace who apologized for his racial stances. The GOP needs a mea culpa moment rather than a cheap attempt at creating a family reunion. Secondly, it cannot hide behind its mantra of small government and freedom.The idea of small government and low taxes is not enough for blacks to sell their soul. Historically the GOP has always expanded government and the black community does not need the GOP to tell them about freedom individually or collectively. They will also have to renounce the xenophobic tendencies that are so prevalent in their party today. Thus far, the outreach attempt has not wielded success. Even the attempt to attract Latinos has failed thus far as their Florida director for Hispanic outreach Pablo Pantoja resigned and become a democrat when he said  I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party. "It doesn't take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today. I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others" "The GOP will continue to have great difficulty in attracting minorities because Latino and Black communities understand that this effort is not about compassion for the issues facing these communities but the desire for power.As he courted Donald Trump, Mitt Romney defended this decision when he told a reporter “But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I”m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”  At this stage, the black and Latino community is not willing to give the republicans 50.1%

The issue is not for blacks to return to the GOP but for the GOP to return to the black community.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney Carrying the Banner For White Male Supremacy

At a recent Romney campaign rally a white male had a shirt that stated put the white back in the White House. A Romney victory does not bode well for women of any nationality, immigrants, minorities or same sex couples. With Romney comes the worst of America that showed up to greet  John McCain in 2008. Unfortunately, that t-shirt represents a huge reason for Romney even being this close in this race.
It was good to see President Obama score a tko over Mitt Romney. Not just for his own campaign but for the good of the nation.  
In the first debate, President Obama learned what most incumbents including George Bush 1 and 2 and Ronald Reagan had to learn, namely that they should not assume the nation is aware that their opponent is an empty suit. Last night Mr. Obama showed that Mr. Romney is an empty suit.

While kudos was given to Martha Raddatz at the vice president's debate, the reality is that it was a narrowly focused set of questions that did not call into question the nature of our nation. Not one question about immigration, voter suppression, and the question about abortion couched in the context of Roman Catholicism was quite pitiful.  Like Romney, her performance was more about style than substance. 

As sane Americans mourn the death of former Senator Arlen Spector, the question that should be asked of Mitt Romney is why does the republican party seem to produce as well as welcome racial, xenophobic and gender animus as it did in 2008 and again in 2012. 

What is at stake here is as important as the issues discussed during the debates and goes a lot deeper with potentially more tragic consequences than reporters such as Martha Raddatz, Joe Scarbrough or even Jim Lerner realize because of their lofty position within society.

In 2008, the Obama victory signified an America that is moving closer to a more perfect union. Even the optics of his campaign and subsequent victory was quite extraordinary in that it showed a religious, racial, economic, sexual oriented diversity of people.

Given what he inherited, his accomplishments are quite good even with having to deal with one of the weakest house speakers in history.
America is now creating jobs instead of losing them, the immoral war of Iraq is over, thirty million more people are now insured, the auto industry is thriving again, women have been given a tool to ensure equal pay with the Lilly Ledbetter act, bin laden is dead and America is coming out of Afghanistan and the budget deficit is shrinking. It’s a record that any republican candidate would run on.

What has been quite disturbing but under reported is the ugly head of white male supremacy through the absurdity of Donald Trump, Franklin Graham, John Sununu and others who despite their dislike and disdain have chosen Mitt Romney to be their standard bearer not for America but for white male supremacy. Mitt Romney in his desperation to occupy the oval office has allowed his campaign to be used for that purpose. While his father George Romney was a man with integrity and a soul, he would probably disown his son for the campaign he has run.

This issue of white male supremacy has raised its ugly head through the antics of Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich in their use of southern strategy rhetoric during their primary season and the ignorance that stems from it  has been confirmed through people like Todd Akin with his comments about rape and Paul Ryan who has tried to come across as a likeable guy while clearly showing an inability to even know when pots are dirty or clean. 

It was seen in Rush Limbaugh's immoral attacks on Sandra Fluke. To this day it is hard to understand why American males and white males in particular didn't rise to the occasion to defend Ms. Fluke from Limbaugh.

It has been seen through the birther comments of Senatorial Candidate Tommy Thompson's son. Even Mitt Romney's son Tagg, whose partnership with people involved in a Ponzi Scheme has escaped media scrutiny, has used the birther issue.

The GOP has even used its version of Mantan Moreland namely Herman Cain in an attempt to legitimize this form of political theatre.

Conservatives have figured out they cannot use the "N" word despite Rick Santorum almost using it before catching himself so they call him a Muslim which in itself is offensive because it assumes that being a Muslim is a negative. 
The arrogance of white male supremacy was evident as Romney tried to appear as a benevolent overseer standing before the NAACP and his alleged brownface appearance at the Univision Forum not to mention his demeaning demand to redo his introduction to show that Latinos like him.   

Even Ann Romney's use of the term “you people” as she spoke to Robin Roberts concerning her husband’s taxes shows a sign of displeasure of having to lower herself to the common person. 

There is no doubt that Mitt Romney in that now infamous 47% comment showed an elegant, eloquent, articulate and passionate disdain for half of the nation. One could even argue that it was his most passionate comments over the last 18 months. Romney is a man who marched against those who protested against the Vietnam war and then fled to France to recruit Mormons while American soldiers lost their lives. He has shown himself to be morally repugnant given his willingness to use the death of the death of Ambassador Stevens for political points.

Even in the commentary columnist George Will's absurd commentary about America not wanting to fire the first African American president shows woeful ignorance of the fact that even in 2008 most white Americans did not vote for Barack Obama.    

Another example is John Sununu, the corrupt former presidential chief of staff for President George H W Bush who in 1983 threw Israel under the bus and had to pay back the  treasury for private trips made with government planes who made comments about the President being lazy. 

Unfortunately there are very few who will deal with this issue.
The right wing church is incapable of this kind of honesty given their propensity to celebrate people like Franklin Graham, Rev. Mike Huckabee
or Tony Perkins who says his kids could never be gay because of how he raised them. Many black mega churches can't do it for fear of being shunned by their white colleagues even as they find out as Pastor Fred Price did about how racist some of their mega church colleagues really are.

Don't expect the mainline church to be much better as it seeks to offer platitudes about things that the late James Brown might define as talking loud and saying nothing

With exceptions reporters/commentators will not or cannot effectively deal with this issue for fear of being rejected by their social circle as they skip off to their Hampton weekend. 

Ultimately Americans are making a choice about the nature of this nation.

On the morning of November 7th America will either celebrate a county that is continuing to move closer to a more perfect union or it will see a nation gearing up again to fight against the worst of America.

The fact that this race is a dead heat does not speak well for the character of this nation. What it says is that perhaps the nation hasn't come as far as some would have hoped. 

A large segment of America will vote for a secretive morally corrupt man who disdains almost half the nation and is willing to trample upon the memory of American hero’s for politic points over a man of color who saved the nation from fiscal calamity, ended a war, saved an industry and killed our number one enemy. 

The nation has an opportunity to not only continue its road to a more perfect union but to say once and for all to the extremely xenophobic GOP that their ways must change or face political irrelevancy.  If sycophant Mitt Romney wins he doesn't come with clean hands or clean heart but with a consortium of right wing zealots who wish to turn this country back 50 years. 

To paraphrase the hymn Old Little Town of Bethlehem all our hopes and fears are on November 6th.    

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We all know how the economy works

I know how the economy works has become a clarion cry in this presidential election. As Americans look at job numbers the economy has  been deemed by some to be a jobless recovery. In actuality, we are not in a jobless recovery. In fact the Bureau of Labor Statistics has stated that there are presently over three million jobs left unfilled. The question is not the creation of jobs but how to fill the ones that are available.  When we add in a proposal to repair America's infrastructure and to put public employees such as teachers,  firefighters and cops back to work the answer to bringing the
unemployment rate down lays right before our very eyes.
The truth of the matter is that we all know how the economy works. It is not a revelation from on high. Our economy works from a supply and demand context. When there is demand someone will satisfy it. We all know that capital is necessary to start or expand  a business . Unfortunately the conversation about the economy has taken an absurd turn.
When CEOs complain about uncertainty or regulations, red flags should go up in the minds of Americans. The truth of the matter is that hiring is slow not because of uncertainty or regulations, but because of corporate America's ability to fulfill present  demand for their products with their present workforce. The issue is not about uncertainty, it is about demand.
During a time when politicians speak about uncertainty, Americans should think about how the stock market doubled, corporate profits reached a record high, CEOs bonuses reach record levels, and even the Congress itself experiencing tremendous growth in their wealth.  Not bad for a time of uncertainty.
 Americans must contend with the fact that the role of corporations is not to create jobs. When a CEO is hired he or she is not asked how they are going to create employment but how they will increase profit and market share. For a corporation, employment is simply the cost of doing business.  Whenever I hear certain presidential candidates speak about the economy as if CEOs are just waiting to hire more people that is at best laughable and at worse a sign that those who claim to understand it really haven’t a clue.
It should be noted that during the time when the stimulus package was being debated, the Obama administration wanted a buy American clause placed in the legislation. Unfortunately, this was fought tooth and nail by the United States Chamber of Commerce, the lobbying group for American business.
Despite the difficulty, from a political perspective, to change the economic debate, Americans must begin to understand that the economic climate is not about joblessness there are millions of jobs available as told to us by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and CEO’s do not cite regulations or uncertainty in filling these jobs but people not having the right skills.
Secondly, Americans should not accept the idea of American companies holding on to trillions of dollars with an explanation that they are uncertain about the future. CEOs have not been uncertain about taking multimillion-dollar bonuses. Corporation have not been uncertain about their great profitability over the last three and half years and  the stock market has not been uncertain about the fact that it has almost doubled over the last 3 1/2 years. Americans should not allow themselves to be blackmailed by political parties who say companies are willing to invest the trillions of dollars that we have in America if they are given carte blanche to do exactly what they want to do with an expectation of taxpayer bailout if they screw up again.   
When Gov. Romney says his CEO experience is his sole qualification for the presidency of the United States, someone must ask the question wasn’t it CEOs that got us into the financial crisis that the nation experienced three and half years ago. Despite experiencing the excesses of  three and half years ago   J.P. Morgan  under CEO Jamie Dimon was still engaging in risky bets which has cost them up to $7 billion in the last quarter does that experience really qualify anybody to be president. Apparently the lessons were not learned.
Americans must understand that the economy is slow but it is growing. Contrast that with the fact that three and half years ago the economy was not growing it was actually contracting and jobs were being  lost at a rate of 300,000 jobs per month. Now compare that to take a economy that is growing albeit slowing but growing. Contrast that to the fact that 4 million new jobs have been created in the last 3 1/2 years.
It is possible that a larger debate is at hand here. One candidate runs on the simplistic notion of I know how the economy works as if a revelation has been handed to him from outside. A the problem with this is that everyone knows how the economy works if the concept that we have known since we were all in high school as we took economics. The second problem is that the idea in the context in which one sees the economy is through the eyes of profit. As proves he stated profit is not contingent upon a company having an hiring more employees. In fact many companies that are traded publicly are rewarded on Wall Street by downsizing and streamlining in order to have their balance sheet in proper order. The second part of this debate however is who should the economy benefit. In recent decades we all know that the economy has been benefiting a shrinking sector of the American populace. The question though is how does the economy benefit an ever-increasing sector of the American populace.
America does not need a one-dimensional candidate who sees everything in the American landscape as a function of capitalism and profit. Capitalism is a part of the American landscape but it is not the whole landscape. Alexis de Tocqueville once said “As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in? “
To a pure capitalist this quote by Alexis de Tocqueville explains their whole mentality and approach to life. The question is will the average American allow this to be the prevailing ideology of a nation that is built on much more than a profit and loss statement and balance sheet. This election will answer that question.

Aguilar is the author of E-book Prosperity: Its About Politics available through Barnes and  Noble

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rodney King: What Have We Learned?

The passing of Rodney King brought back the painful memory of March 3, 1991 in Los Angeles when a man was mercilessly beaten by police officers. The black community did not need conferences to understand the role that race played on that night. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of Americans of all backgrounds were shocked and appalled by what they saw.
The question is not whether King was a model citizen that night or 21 years later but whether the law applies to all citizens. My first reaction to the famous question of “can we just get along” was obviously not.   
Some within the white community with the aid of black conservative sycophants attempted to paint the picture as officers protecting themselves from a man on PCP which later blood tests proved he was not.
We should not sugarcoat the fact that Rodney King was speeding and was driving while intoxicated. Neither should we dismiss the videotape of George Holliday which depicts a group of rabid officers engaging in a violation of civil rights.   
As these officers were acquitted by a jury which excluded blacks, President George HW Bush remarked “viewed from outside the trial, it was hard to understand how the verdict could possibly square with the video. Those civil rights leaders with whom I met were stunned. And so was I and so was Barbara and so were my kids."

Fortunately the federal government intervened and two of the officers were convicted and sentenced to prison. 

The question of what did we learn from this incident suggests a common lesson. Unfortunately that was not and is not the case. The black community learned nothing. The incident simply confirmed what many already knew. The white community was split between what most called a clear case of police brutality and some thought was law and order at work.
Taken by itself the Rodney King incident can be seen by some as an isolated event.
But twenty-one years later Trayvon Martin is shot dead and what do we have. Local police failed in their duties to seek justice, small segments of the white conservative community and black conservative sycophants seek to defend the actions of George Zimmerman. The federal government had to be called in to seek justice and some commentators saying young men should simply change their attire.   

Twenty one years later we have new voter suppression attempts and stand your ground laws funded by corporate America through the American Legislative Exchange Council
Twenty one years later we have thinly veiled profiling through stop and frisk laws

Twenty one years later we have a presidential candidate whose faith once taught that blacks were cursed. Many have sat silently as Mitt Romney in his best Pontius Pilate imitation pretends to wash his hands of his surrogates like Donald Trump who have used race to denigrate the president.

Twenty one years later the Koch Brothers are  trying to segregate the schools of North Carolina.

We have heard Neil Boortz say "This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up."

Alabama Republican State Senator Scott Beason calls African Americans aborigines and has intimated that we should "empty the clip" when it comes to illegal immigration.
In speaking about the assassination of Martin Luther King, the late James Brown once asked "why should a man have to die for something he should never even have to fight for"

Why is it necessary for lessons to be learned at the expense of those without power?

The actions of today are more stealth than 21 years ago but egregious nonetheless because they reflect the sentiment of some that they are more deserving of America because of their background or ideology

Rodney King did not live a life to be emulated by anyone. But that night in March 1991 showed a clear example of what happens when someone is viewed as a lesser human being.
Despite the riots that followed the acquittal of the officers in the Rodney King case, America has been blessed in that reaction to blatant violations of people's rights has been overwhelmingly peaceful.
The question is whether America will continue to be blessed in that manner. That depends on whether the important lesson of all Americans being treated fairly is adhered to. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rational Republicans Need To Send A Message

 In 2008, America had suffered a 15% contraction in its gross domestic product. It was fighting two wars, losing 300,000 jobs per month and the auto industry was on the verge of collapse while Osama bin laden was still laughing at the United States.

Since 2009,  America has experienced 27 straight months of job growth adding 4 million jobs, the war in Iraq is over, the auto industry is back and Osama bin laden laughs no more. Given where we started and where we are now, only a fool or liar would say we are worse off.  Even Jim Cramer of CNBC says the economy is stronger than what people are saying.  

When you add in affordable health care, which has enabled two million young people to stay on their parents health insurance until the age of 26 against the backdrop of  the most intransigent congress in decades the accomplishments are actually astounding. Even Republican Virginia Governor Jim McDonnell had to admit at least in the short run  Did it help us in the short run with health care and education and spending to balance the budget? Sure,” McDonnell said. “Does it help us in the long term to really cut the unemployment rate? I’d say no.”
Obviously, there is a lot more to do but there is no doubt the nation is better off today than it was in 2008.

Nevertheless the republican plan is to bombard Americans with the idea of a CEO as the second coming of Christ in that he will miraculously  save the nation, while forgetting that it was CEO’s that got us into the financial bind and who ultimately laid off millions of Americans.  
Elections are never about the truth but rather perception and Republicans are quite aware of the gullibility of their voting base but facts are facts.
Nonetheless, as the economy improves, the media has missed one of the biggest issues of the election, which is the undermining of the democratic process by a collective of republican leaders who seem to be like exiled leaders plotting to take back a country that rejected them.  As republican leadership seeks to disenfranchsie voters particularly those who are black and Latino, media outlets, with exceptions, have exhibited a deafening silence.  

For the Republican Party hierarchy it is about power. People such as Karl Rove or even Mitt Romney have long traded in their moral center for power and like an addict will do anything to satisfy that craving.

But, what about the republican electorate. There is no doubt that a great many will vote republican because that is what they have always done. Democrats are no different. Nevertheless, for a large segment of the republican populace the issue is not the economy. It is about the person himself.
Since January 2009, there has been a pernicious attack stemming from a racial animus towards Barack Obama. Race drives many of the attacks against Barack Obama as well as the voter suppression bills.

While commentators have talked about the nations division the Obama campaign actually brought people together. In 2008 Obama won with 92% of the Black vote, 67% of the Latino vote, 61% Asian  83% of the Jewish vote but only  43% of the white vote.  A broad coalition came together in 2008 which led republican groups to strategize in order to turn the Latino, black and gay community against each other.

Unfortunately, the republican party has become a bastion of white nativism that has continued to suffer from the Gayle Quinnell syndrome, the woman who said during a McCain rally that Obama was an Arab until McCain smartly corrected her.
It is a subject that very few really want to address directly from the president on down but the republican have played the race issue using their surrogates from Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Ann Coulter.  Comments from Newt Gingrich to Rick Santorum.  Mitt Romney whose Mormonism heritage was steeped in racial has attached himself to the birtherism of Donald Trump. They have adopted the Peter Brimelow strategy to win the election.

No-one should expect anyone from the republican hierarchy to admit their racial animus even as birtherism and southern strategy tactics are alive and well in the republican party.  A crazy person doesn’t admit to their insanity.

Ordained Southern Baptist minister Mike Huckabee, Franklin Graham, Wisconsin Lutheran Congresswoman Michelle Bachman who use religiosity as a veneer for their racial animus should not be expected to confess their egregious use of xenophobia. Instead republicans will trot out black conservatives such as Ron Christie, who will consistently deny the issue of race within the Republican Party even as  Ken Melham, the former head of the Republican National Committee apologized for their use of the southern strategy. Unfortunately, the mainline church has not shown any sign of being less timid then they were during the civil rights movement. 

Surprisingly however is the platform that the revered Barbara Walters and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer have given to the inane behavior of Donald Trump because in their minds he can bring them ratings.

The Republican Party is right to fear the future. Unless the Republican Party changes they are destined to become an irrelevant, anachronistic institution consisting of nativists, religious oddities and black conservative sycophants like Shelby Steele.

Rational republicans should be embarrassed by their party and they need to send a message by rejecting the leadership and its strategy of undermining American democracy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Book Release



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New book Release

Prosperity: It’s About Politics

Refutes idea of American exceptionalism and rugged individualism

June 4th, 2012

(East Stroudsburg PA) 

In this political season, the terms rugged individualism and American exceptionalism have almost become synonymous with God. In his latest book “Prosperity” It’s about Politics,” author Tony C. Aguilar suggests that America’s prosperity depends on its political economy and rejects rugged  individualism and American exceptionalism as mythology designed to uphold the status quo. Prosperity: It’s About Politics is now available in E-book form thru Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Aguilar makes a scathing critique of institutions such as the evangelical church to public officials who use the political charge of redistribution of wealth and socialism as a red herring designed to scare the wealthy and middle class while distracting people from a discussion about a proper distribution of profits. Aguilar says working and middle class Americans make a mistake when they believe that capitalism is the source of its greatness rather than the yearning to be free which led to its founding.

Tony C. Aguilar is an author, preacher, and entrepreneur. He has worked in the private sector as a commercial analyst, the civic sector as a community organizer and preaches on a regular basis at Flatbush Church of the Redeemer in Brooklyn New York. He has produced and hosted his own radio and cable talk show.    

Prosperity: It’s About Politics is published by Margo Publishing a division of Margo Communications Group a multi-media internet company consisting of radio and movie broadcasts, books and blogs. While centered in the United States, its Detective Radio Channel is heard around the world in countries including Canada, Great Britain, France, Australia, and the Philippines. Margo Communications Group is the publishing company for Tony C. Aguilar’s first E-book “The Latter Glory: A season of purpose, passion, and possibilities”